Friday, May 25, 2012

Digital Sketch: Stranger than Fiction

This started out as something similar to the Coulson sketch, but ended up going in another direction entirely. I'm not sure why. It looks awesome, though. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Digital Sketch: Coulson Lives.

I've been working on just some impromptu busts lately inbetween projects. I really, REALLY like how this one turned out. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Sketch: Fortune Teller

Anyone ever played Talisman? It's a wonderful game. I grew up playing it for the longest time. My favorite character to use was the Fortune teller back in the day, so I started scribbling it. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Sketch: Addicted to Coffee.

From here on out, gonna be posting just some various single-sketches. This one was done as a self portrait awhile back from my first moleskine. I was having a bad day so I tried peace and serenity with coffee and art as well. I think it works! 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rumblings in the Works.

I can't say too much at the moment simply because I don't have everything ready yet to unveil the full launch, but this week has been spent less on the two dimensional nature and more on the third. I'm somewhat proud of myself because I'm learning to model in a new program from the ground up. I would definitely recommend it 100% - between the wonderful support community and the bevy of online tutorials, Blender is one of the best 3D rendering software there is out there. Mainly because the damn thing is 100% free. 
There are more than a few things I haven't gotten into yet with modeling (A line of figurines to start with) but there will be time soon when I unveil this mess! Soon! 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Sketchdump #3 - A Tarot, Reworked.

Part of me says I should wait and release these in a looong time from now but since I've switched major projects from this to another, the thought occurred just to throw these sketches out now. (That and I'm still doodling compositionally til hell freezes over.)
A long time ago at the beginning of this sketchbook I've been posting pictures from I decided that I wanted to do a tarot deck based on Marvel characters. And not "just" Marvel, movie Marvel characters. For most of this deck, that proved very little issue. But there were a few characters from the normal universe that fit all-too-well into certain cards (aside from the FFFUUUU what do you mean Hank and Jan aren't going to be in the Avengers moment). So I took it as a fun design challenge to try to do some weird scribbles of costumes for the Maximoff siblings. I wanted to combine key elements of their normal costume design and the design of costumes like Hawkeye and Black Widow from the movie universe. And hell, just for the challenge, throw in the Ultimates line for good measure. I will probably revisit these in a better (*cough*digital*cough*) format when I get some spare time.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Yoga Loki

I know this one seems particularly strange, but let me explain. When I started working out last year I had done itinitatially with the idea of getting into making a version of Loki's costume. I've had some awful luck with trying to stick to a diet and exercise plan, so I created a blog for it. Thus, for some reason, the moniker caffeinated-loki was used and has been used ever since. I was playing around with the idea of making a new icon for the blog. And flailing about with poses. You'd think after a few months of trying to do these poses I'd think of a better (and draw it better) one to use.

I also attempted to test out colored pencils on my pieces. Result? On the left I used an ink pen, pencils, then shaded in ballpoint. I think I enjoy that version far more...even if the pages are yellow and I'm not used to it just yet.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sketchdump #2 - We Work in the Darkness to Serve the Light.

The next big sketch-dump is a RP environment that is part fan-based but wholly a labor of love to the setting and the history. I'm a big fan of Assassin's Creed, no lie in that. But a few friends and I decided to do a setting based in the universe around the turn of the 20th century in London. The height of the Industrial Revolution. The Age of Jack the Ripper and the original Sherlock Holmes. As such, I wanted to work on developing an outfit for my character that would hide his distinctive features (the prominent scars on his cheek and lips) while keeping in tune with both 19th century fashion and Assassin design. 
The funny thing about this whole piece? About three weeks after I finished a design that I really liked for my character here, Ubisoft came out with the promotional art/Alex Ross's piece for Assassin's Creed 3. The similarities between this outfit and Connor's 18th Century gear were readily apparent. 

I might tweak with the design slightly and do some environment scribbles, but for the most part you can see I was trying to mess with folds of fabric/gravity.Still need to.