This week we finally ordered an external harddrive port so we can gut the old laptop and move over some of the missing files that I need for the comic. With that, I think we'll be entering into a psuedo spring-cleaning: whatever I haven't touched in a year from my old laptop goes into storage. While this new laptop's speed is much, much faster, I don't have as much room to keep things on here (and I'm going to try to keep everything free of digital strange as it is to say it.)
So what have I been doing in the meantime? Well, mostly
Well, a LOT of tea. |
About a year or so ago I started putting together blends based on Guild Wars 2 characters and only recently finished up the artwork for them. Mostly because the labels didn't work for me before. Eir's Tea, for example, has gone through four labels on it's own.
From this, the original name of the tea... |
to this, which still didn't feel right. |
There are more blends planned for other areas (along with a set of teas not related to any fandom in particular because, let's face it, not everyone's a fan of everything). It's not much, but every time some one orders one of those teas, I get more money off when I go to fuel my own tea supply, which, in turn, allows me to test more blends of teas. (Also, let me know if you're new to the site, coupons are a lovely thing.)
It's a hobby of mine, mostly, that comes up on the side. Much like the SCA and related activities, which was last weekend.
But yes, that's what I've been up to in the fallout from the mini-computer-crisis. Realizing now that it's been roughly three weeks since the computers both had issues and two since I got the PC up and running, and about a week for the new laptop to get to a state of normalcy.
I will have more on a projected release date for Stacked Hand after next weekend. Until then,
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