Friday, September 27, 2013

Diving into things headfirst.

I am this close to putting reminders into my phone about regular post updates. (You can't see my fingers, but they're a few inches apart. Okay, well, about a foot apart. I'm still kind of lazy.) While I can just as easily throw a bunch of art tutorials and whatnot on my setting on tumblr, it takes more time and dedication to put together coherent writing on this blog. And I'm not entirely 100% sure on that coherent part.

Anyway. hn. Unless you've been blatantly ignoring my posts for the last couple of months I'm working on launching my own webcomic. You never realize how much plotting, planning and prep goes into the general amount of work to get one of these things off the ground. And, unlike "normal" comics (by "normal" I mean what most people think of when they hear the word comic: Marvel, DC, Image) doing it as a solo project can be daunting. You're doing the writing, the thumbnail sketches, the pencils the lettering, and the coloring. Not to mention setting up the website itself. I've got a personal goal of completing a certain amount of pages before the site launches, with a deadline of December 31rst. If I get ahead of myself, I'll launch sooner. You'll be first to know!

Speaking of launching, I'm incredibly close to launching my personal site fully, I know I've mentioned before that I'm working on the site, but earlier this week I managed to wrap everything up. The only thing I'm missing at this point is a photo for my about page and I'll be launching the site itself tomorrow. There might be some slight updates to the layout/color scheme of the blog to match, but it won't be too much of a deal. 

That's about all I've been up to this week. Hope to see you around. 

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