Friday, August 31, 2012

The Mage

Hello to the biggest freaking piece I've done in awhile. I've tried to learn backgrounds, and trying to improve my skills from there. It's been a long process, but I'm happy with what I've done. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Comic Style Dribble.

I'm working on ideas for a series of banners for another site that I'm on, and just decided to try out a design style for them. I'm still working on improving my realism or...rather, my ability to put together a piece without lines being the main part of the story. At the same time, I'm very happy with how this turned out. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

More tea for me!

I bought tea last week, and it finally came in on Monday! I've already written reviews on all of them and they're absolutely amazing. I had to draw this to celebrate.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

An Interlude. WIP Composition Pieces.

I work pretty well with a photo reference to start off for a character. I was trying to do a lack of line/blended line test. I went through about twelve sketches of various heads before I finally decided to look up one. Now that I look at him...he kinda resembles Spike. That's cool with me.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

Day Four - Naga

It feels like halfway through I decided that I should make the framing a little more pretty. This and the next one have this kind of framing, but I ran out of time on the other one so I cheated and did a cropped version.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day Three - Slime

This one seems to be a favorite. Not sure why. I've seen a lot of people do the "cliche" slime girl before...but all I could think of is the Gleatinous Cube from Dungeons and Dragons.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Day Two - Centaur

I'll be fixing this one the most, I think. Color palette didn't work too well on this one. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Day One - Harpy

The more I draw a lot of these, the more I think that at some point, I'm gonna go back and make these "print" worthy. If anyone's interested in that, please, lemme know!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Monster Girls: A primer

Hey! Just wanted to say something before I started posting these pics. A little while ago I decided as a challenge to myself I'd take on a challenge going around tumblr.  Since then I've been working on each of these pieces as a warm up, just drawing figures and creatures I haven't before. I also decided to do them in full color, thinking I'd try to work on color as well as my depiction of the female form. Not all of the critters will be depicted, but I'll try to do as many as I can.

Normal post out of the way, stay tuned for the first week!